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jen mannarelli



Hi there!

I’m Coach Jen, a Certified Health, Mindset & Nutrition Coach with over 28 years of experience transforming lives in the Health and Fitness industry!

​I specialize in empowering women to break free from the relentless cycle of fad diet culture and discover what it truly means to thrive from within.

Are you exhausted from trying every fad diet, program, and "magic" solution, only to find yourself still struggling to reach your health and wellness goals? It’s time to break free from the disappointment of fleeting fads.

Maybe you’ve achieved goals in the past, but struggled to maintain them once the program ended, leaving you frustrated and drained — both emotionally and financially.

I firmly believe that sustainable methods lead to lasting results. Together, we’ll uncover your deepest motivations — your WHY — and harness it to finally achieve your health and wellness aspirations.


Imagine having more energy, better sleep, improved stress management, mental clarity, and mood — feeling genuinely confident and comfortable in your own skin. Your performance at work skyrockets, you’re more present with your loved ones, less irritable, and you rediscover the joy in life.

Health isn’t just about a number on a scale — it’s about a holistic sense of well-being. Through mindset coaching, I’ll help you recognize and celebrate all the meaningful indicators of progress, keeping you inspired and on track.

Stories from women just like you:

Best thing I ever did was to join!! Working with Coach Jen changed my life!

Joann M.

Jen has been (and continues to be) an amazing coach. She has helped me truly understand the value of nutrition as 'fuel' for my body and helped me achieve 15 pounds of weight loss. I am still on my weight loss journey (on track for 10 more pounds to go) and Jen offers weekly perspective on how to adjust workout regimens, not have an 'all or nothing' mentality about weight and how to stay focused on the true 'why' for my journey. I am stronger and leaner and MUCH healthier thanks to Jen!

Lydia H.

Jen was absolutely amazing during my 12 week journey. She consistently showed up for me and supported me as a mom, woman, client, now friend! I gained more than I thought I would when initially signing up. Her program is designed to help with fitness and nutrition, but it helped me identify where my mental struggles were as well. I was able to pin point why previous measures and programs have failed in the past and push through it.

Heather H.

Completing Jen’s program is a worthwhile endeavor. I signed up with her this last fall after many failed attempts at losing weight and keeping it off, I knew I needed some accountability. What I got from Jen was more than accountability. I got someone who walked me through SUSTAINABLE habit changes and mental shifts that resulted in an “easy” 13 pound loss (through the holidays, mind you) that I know I will keep off. The shame around indulging in a treat now and then is gone and replaced with a newer and healthier mindset around food. Jen’s weekly calls were key to my success. We mapped out a plan for the week and she followed up with an email summary about our plan so it was easy to defer back to if I needed a reminder. Making smaller weekly goals made the bigger goal of healthy living and weight loss much more manageable. If you are looking for someone to help you jump start a healthy living program, or to get you out of a fitness rut- I recommend Jen’s program without reservation. As a bonus, Jen is a pretty great friend too! 🙂

Katie A.

I had such a positive experience working with Coach Jen. She gave me the tools and resources for success. I lost about 12lbs with her during my 14 weeks and this was during the holidays too. It just goes to show that you don't have to completely restrict yourself in order to lose weight and this is what she really preached while working with her!! She was very accommodating with our weekly meetings, i.e. If I needed to reschedule/cancel, switch from a Zoom to just a regular phone call - very flexible! She constantly checked in and really just held me accountable. I highly recommend working with her!! You'll be so glad you did!

Kristina L.

Working with Jen is a great experience! She is so encouraging in a kind and caring way. She is very understanding that I am an older client with limitations. She works with me every week to make progress within those limitations. She focuses on teaching me to develop a life-long healthier life-style. That is such a struggle and Jen is very positive and knowledgeable guiding me in this journey. I highly recommend working with Jen!

Nancy B.

I am currently participating in Jen’s program. She is a fantastic health coach. Program focuses on developing healthy lifestyle habits rather than a quick fix diet plan. Jen focuses on making small changes slowly rather than all at once. The goal is to develop the habit of eating healthy without thinking about it. I am 6 weeks into the 12 week program and already notice a difference. I have definitely gained more knowledge on living a healthier lifestyle by losing my bad habits. This is all with the one-on-one help and guidance provided by coach Jen.

Amy H.

Jen is amazing. She has always pushed me to be my best and been there through all my different struggles. She wants her clients to reach her goals and goes above and beyond for them!

Olivia H.

I chose to work with Coach Jen after having a pretty overwhelming few months and feeling completely out-of-control with the health choices I was making. I am a lifetime up-and-downer when it comes to weight loss and have been working on getting to the root of why I continue this cycle these past few years. I did a quick internet search and after reading just a couple of Health Coach descriptions, was led to Jen, which I’m so thankful to have found. I have been a part of group coaching in the past (done it all), but still hadn’t had the opportunity to work on-on-one with an expert. This helped SO much! Having someone to actually speak to, understand me, and hold me accountable has been a game changer. What I gained (a good gain!) was grace, focus and the start of good habits. All tools that I already know but needed someone to help bring that knowledge out and help me apply it. I highly recommend working with Coach Jen. She’s not only kind, strong and insightful, but also someone you can be real with. Just what I needed.

Julie G.

Jen truly cares about the success of her clients. She offers guidance, support and encouragement and walks alongside each person in her program, cheering them on along the way. Her commitment to learning and growing and her passion for health and fitness make her the perfect choice for anyone looking to make positive changes in their life.

Melissa G. 

Jen has been and continues to be a very helpful life and wellness coach. I am a busy professional with two small kids (4 and 8 years old). She understands the stress of life and is there with a helpful solution to try or podcast to listen to. We have worked through a number of concerns including diet, sleep, and developing a workout routine. I really appreciate Jen's caring, empathy, and willingness to adapt. She holds me accountable while also understanding my particular circumstances.
I am still very much on my journey to reach my fitness and lifestyle goals, but I am sure glad I have Jen to help me along the way!

Felicia G.

I came to Jen when I was tired of trying to lose the same 20 pounds year after year. Jen helped me do much more than lose weight. She helped me change my mind set, create and maintain good habits, understand what has been holding me back from reaching my goals, and so much more.

It has been an amazing experience and I would recommend her to everyone.

She is attentive, compassionate, kind, and knowledgeable.

She has helped me change my life!

Rachel F.

I cannot say enough about Jen. She was absolutely great. I was at the heaviest weight of my life and was desperate. I’m only 4’11” and I weighed 188 lbs. I was miserable and uncomfortable. Things were hurting that hadn’t before and I was at a dreadful job that caused me a lot of stress. Not to mention I was only 10 months postpartum. Jen helped me to get back on track. She taught me a lot of good habits. She was available when I needed to bounce ideas off of her. She is so nice but still firm. She followed up with me on action plans, even though sometimes I couldn’t get back. I lost 24 lbs in the 16 weeks but I’ve continued to drop and have lost a total of 40 lbs in 7 months. It’s slow going but I feel like my plan is maintainable and obviously effective. Still trying to loose a little more and I have the confidence that it won’t be a problem. Life tools. Thanks Jen. Miss you!

Candice N.

Working with Jen is what I finally needed to make a difference in my health. I have a very busy professional career and am married with 3 kids who are all active in sports. I needed someone who would hold me accountable and help me form habits for a healthier lifestyle to include exercise and better food choices.
I highly recommend Jen for someone who wants to make a change and needs help being held accountable. I've already lost 23 pounds with the first round of her program and am excited to use the tools I have learned to continue on this journey myself to hit my goal weight.

Theresa D.

​​Partnering with Jen on health and lifestyle goals has been wonderful. With a focus on behavior changes and mindset she is not just sending a list of to do's for me to run through. She's teaching foundational tools that target true life changes. Jen's approach is full of empathy, compassion, and truth (sometimes we need a mirror). We worked through what I needed to clear out and make room for the healthy habits. I am eager to keep with her resources to continue to get me on track. I highly recommend Jen as a coach no matter where you are in your health journey to break through and work towards your goals.

Liz S.

My goals are Jen’s goals!!! You will not regret working with her.

Mary Beth S.

Coach Jen has been just what I needed on my journey to better health. While I’ve only been working g with her a short time her her responses are prompt and her calls and videos are helpful. I can’t wait to continue this journey with her!

Gina T.

Jen has a great way of encouraging me to find my motivation and be consistent with my eating habits and workout routines in a way that sticks! She makes it easy to understand what to eat without restrictions. I am now well on my way to my best body with full confidence that I can get there. Book a call with her to see how she can help you do the same.

Amy S.

My experience working with:

Jen She is so easy to talk to and a great coach for nutrition and support needs. I needed help with my nutrition and getting back on track so I searched for a nutrition coach and Jen was the one I chose. Jen was very helpful getting my mindset under control so I can do better with my nutrition and my self esteem. Anytime I had questions, concerns, she is always there to answer. She help me understand why eating clean is important and what I should and should not eat. She listened to me and worked with me. She did calls with me weekly to check in with me. I achieved my main goal with her.

You will not be disappointed working with her!

Virginia L.

Jen is a great coach and encourager. She nicely blends pushing with accepting in a way that motivates.

Terra S.

Working with Jen was the answer to so many of the struggles I have been working on for years! She is a great listener who asks just the right questions to get to the root of the issue. I loved the weekly check-ins to answer any questions or work through any challenges I had the previous week. I’m so glad I had the opportunity to work with Jen! I learned so much in her 12-week program that I can keep doing for the rest of my life. This doesn’t feel like a diet because it’s really a lifestyle adjustment for me!

Ashley W.

Jen is the perfect coach to help you achieve real, retainable results. Her programming focuses on behavior change and accountability. You are sure to hit your goals and sustain them with Coach Jen!

Kaylie G

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