"Prime your environment to make the next action easy."
James Clear, Atomic Habits
There are many suggestions and ideas on how to establish healthy habits these days. Books, articles, blogs, apps and social media posts constantly share tips, tricks, hacks & steps to put them into place. But with so much information coming at us, we tend to get stuck in “analysis-paralysis” and choose to do nothing.
Instead of feeling overwhelmed and staying stuck right where you are, take James Clear’s advice & “prime your environment to make the next action easy.” Author of the Best Selling book, Atomic Habits, James offers excellent strategies to turn those habits that are holding you back, into habits that will keep you moving forward and getting “1% better every day.”
Working with clients daily, my goal is to help them achieve their health and wellness goals. Planning ahead is truly a key to success, but how do I guide my clients to make that happen on a regular basis? Using James Clear’s tip above, my clients have been able to overcome their obstacles & struggles and convert their unhealthy habits into healthy habits! Here are just a few ideas that can help you put this into practice right away!
Ideas for “Priming your environment to make the next action easy”
Lay out your workout clothes/shoes the night before
Add your exercise to your calendar, not your to-do list
Book the class, commit to a friend
Write out your meal plan and grocery shop over the weekend
Make a grocery list & take it with you
Order your groceries online & have them delivered when you don't have time to shop
Wash/chop the veggies ahead of time
Portion & bag healthy, whole snacks
Pack your lunch the night before
Don't buy the processed junk food or keep it in your house
Take a different route home to avoid that tempting take-out joint
Look at the menu before you go to the restaurant, make up your mind ahead of time & order first (don't be swayed by others choices)
Fill up your water bottle & take it with you
Buy a blank notebook for journaling
Dedicate a calm, organized space for meditation
Leave the book on the table versus the TV remote
Those are just a few! Is there ONE that you can start doing TODAY to make your next action easier? Instead of trying to do all of them right away, just choose one thing to focus on at a time. Once it becomes habitual, meaning you don’t have to think about it, then add another!
If you are looking for guidance with establishing healthy habits, I can help you! As a one-on-one, Certified ACE Health Coach, my goal is to help YOU identify where YOU are on YOUR health journey and create a roadmap alongside YOU that will get YOU to YOUR health and wellness goals. I will help you bridge the gap through true lifestyle & behavior change! Book a call with me now for more information!